Local Support Information

Foodbank Information

The Foodstore is a place where anyone who finds themselves in times of hardship can come to get emergency food.

When visiting for the first time we will need take a few details from you, this is just to make sure you are getting the help you need. You will always be welcomed into a friendly, warm environment and you can usually have some soup while you wait.

There are a few places in which you can pick up food during the week, this is so that you can visit the place most convenient to you.

The King’s Centre

Wed and Fri – 1pm-3pm

St Mary’s Community Centre Cockerton

Thursday 1pm -  3pm

St Andrew’s Hall

Thursday 1:30pm-2:30pm

St Columba’s

Friday 11am-12pm

a can of food

St Teresa's Hospice

The Woodlands, Woodland Road, Darlington, DL3 7UA

Telephone: 01325 254321 

Email: enquiries@darlingtonhospice.org.uk      

Website: www.darlingtonhospice.org.uk

St Teresa’s Hospice is an independent charity working across South Durham and North Yorkshire to provide:

  • Hospice at Home
  • Day Therapy
  • In-patient Care
  • Family Support and Bereavement Services

Helping people at the time of their greatest need depends on donations, legacies and fundraising – and volunteers enhance all of our services.

a drawing of a face

Macmillan Cancer Support

The Macmillan Information and Support Centre provides a free, confidential drop in service for anyone affected by cancer. They offer information on a wide range of cancer related topics, financial advice and a bra and headwear fitting service. The staff can help you access counselling services and local support groups. Most importantly have a cup of tea and talk over any problems.

Opening times can vary.

Please ring before making a special journey: 01325 743008

They are located in the main entrance of Darlington Memorial Hospital, next to the reception desk.

Darlington Citizens Advice

#BEAT is here to help you navigate the national benefit maze and any local help that maybe available, call now on 0800 048 7023 Monday to Friday 10:00am - 1:00pm.


Health Advice Services

Macmillian and GP Surgeries Outreach Services, telephone advice based appointments can be requested by contacting GP surgeries listed here. For people with cancer and their families, contact Macmillian Information and Support Centre on 01325 743008.


Debt And Money Advice Hub

If you are worried about how you are going to pay your bills this month, please don't ignore the letters; call our helpline for advice on 0800 048 7023 Monday to Friday between 10:00am and 2:00pm. Alternatively, email us your contact details and we will call you back at debtappointment@darlingtoncab.co.uk.


Community Support Scheme

If you are in financial crisis: top up your gas and electricity prepayment meters, provide nappies and baby milk, top up pay as you go mobiles, provide basic emergency clothing. Please note we cannot provide cash. You can call us on 01325 734991 Monday to Friday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm.


How To Claim: Universal Support

Help to Claim is a dedicated service from Citizens Advice to make a new claim for universal credit. Call us for free on 0800 144 8 444 or for online advice visit: help to claim online [External link]